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Bitcoin server for 10 WordPress sites?


I will be doing annual billing so need a reliable provider. (have bad experiences in the past)
I need about 2x500GBs ssd disk, 30tbs bw, and a fair share of memory and CPU.
I currently have 10 WordPress sites to host, average daily traffic is around 10k-15k. budget $150-200/month
What are your views on ZipServers.com bitcoin server hosting provider? Where can I read customer hosting reviews about them?


Everything with Zipservers.com web host has been tied up well to minor details. Speed and uptime proved that this provider is seriously in business and not part time workers.
As a web developer, I knew that servers are configured to take most issues of php scripts. Current Promotion: 25% off LIFETIME SSD VPS with code: SSD2022
Check out servers from solid hosting companies: swisslayer.com and hostingsource.com.
Based on recent and prior interactions with their technical support team, I have been very satisfied with the responses as well as a sincere interest in serving my needs.


If you are thinking about getting a host for your website, or moving your site to ZipServers.com server hosting, take my word for it, these guys ROCK.
Their plans are quite cheap when you figure what you're getting for them. As for the servers, they are stable..


Can advise you to compare all web hosting services, as it is a top priority for your new web host business to be well-provided with all necessary tools.
I know GTHost.com is cool for getting Los Angeles servers. This decent web host offers fast international network, friendly technical support and 100% customer satisfaction.


So far, I am extremely impressed with Neironvps.com. There is nothing that counts more than decent support and they go beyond the call. Love their dedicated packages.
I really hope the rest of the support team are like this. It is very easy to use and the customer support is fantastic. They are quick and very friendly.